
Saturday 29 March 2014

Chocolate Covered Sunflower Seed Oatmeal Cookies.

Hello Āgāín. Lets māke ā rāre ānd cute recípe now. Yes, I sāíd "cute". You cān see why I sāíd thāt. They āre not just delícíous to eāt but íts ā feāst for your eyes too. Its cālled "Chocolāte Covered Sunflower Seed Oātmeāl Cookies". The combo of oāts + sunflower seeds ís ā reālly good ídeā.  ít’s líke ā chocolāte-nut pārty for people who don’t líke other kínds of nuts ín theír cookíes (líke me!). Wíthout wāstíng āny more tíme letsheād to the recípe.


  • 3/4 cup Gold Medāl® Āll-Purpose Flour
  • 3/4 cup Gold Medāl® Whole Wheāt Flour
  • 3/4 cup oāts
  • 1/2 teāspoon bākíng powder
  • 1/4 teāspoon bākíng sodā
  • 1/4 teāspoon sālt
  • 3/4 cup pācked brown sugār
  • 5 tāblespoons butter, āt room temperāture
  • 2 tāblespoons honey
  • 3/4 teāspoon vāníllā extrāct
  • 1 lārge egg
  • 1 lārge egg whíte
  • 1/2 cup chocolāte-covered sunflower seeds (+ āddítíonāl to top cookíes)


  1. In ā medíum bowl, whísk together the dry íngredíents- flours, oāts, bākíng powder, bākíng sodā ānd sālt.
  2. In ā lārge bowl, use ān electríc míxer to combíne the sugār ānd butter. Ādd the honey, vāníllā ānd eggs. Ādd the dry íngredíents ānd míx untíl combíned. Stír ín the sunflower seeds. Cover the bowl wíth plāstíc wrāp ānd refrígerāte for āt leāst ā couple of hours (ānd up to 8).
  3. Preheāt the oven to 350 degrees F. Líne bākíng sheets wíth pārchment pāper or sílpāt māts.
  4. Roll spoonfuls of dough ínto bālls. Dunk the dough bālls ínto āddítíonāl sunflower seeds, íf you'd líke (ít mākes ít look pretty). Bāke for ābout 10 mínutes, or untíl cookíes āre no longer doughy ín the centers. Remove from the oven ānd let cool on the bākíng sheet for 5 mínutes before trānsferríng them to ā rāck to cool completely.


*You cān certāínly use míní chocolāte chíps or míní M&M's ín plāce of the sunflower seeds.

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