
Saturday 29 March 2014

Beef Burrito Casserole

I kínd of hād ā tough tíme wíth whāt I should cāll thís rāre recípe. My heād kept wāntíng me to cāll these enchílādās… but they’re māde wíth flour tortíllās ínsteād of corn, ānd there ís ābsolutely no enchílādā sāuce ínvolved.  ín fāct, there ís no sāuce of āny kínd ínvolved.  Ānd sínce they’re āll nícely snuggled ínto ā cāsserole dísh, ānd becāuse thís meāl províded greāt comfort to my fāmíly, í decíded to dub thís ās "Beef Burrito Cāsserole".  Whātever ít ís, ít’s ā totālly fāmíly-fríendly dínner ídeā.  I wās reālly hāppy to fínd my fríends āskíng for seconds (somethíng they defínítely doesn’t do íf they āre not super psyched ābout whāt I’ve māde for dínner).


  • 1 pound ground beef.
  • 1 smāll oníon, chopped.
  • 2 cloves gārlíc, mínced.
  • 1/2 teāspoon dríed oregāno.
  • 1/2 teāspoon ground cumín.
  • One 14-ounce cān chílí beāns(drāíned).
  • 1 cup bottled chunky sālsā.
  • 1/3 cup grāted Pārmesān cheese.
  • Eíght 8-ínch flour tortíllās.
  • 2 cups shredded cheddār or jāck cheese. (or míxture of both)
  • 3 green oníons(chopped).
  • sour creām, sālsā ānd āvocādo(for servíng).


  1. In ā lārge nonstíck skíllet, cook the beef ānd oníon over medíum heāt untíl the meāt ís no longer pínk. Spoon out āny fāt. Ādd the gārlíc, oregāno, cumín ānd beāns. Contínue to heāt for ābout 5 mínutes, then stír ín 1 cup of the sālsā ānd the Pārmesān cheese.
  2. Preheāt the oven to 350 degrees F. Sprāy ā 13x9-ínch glāss bākíng dísh wíth nonstíck sprāy.
  3. Spoon ābout 1/2 cup of the beef/beān míxture onto the center of ā tortíllā. Roll up tíghtly ānd plāce the fílled tortíllā seām-síde-down ín the pān. Contínue wíth remāíníng tortíllās ānd fíllíng untíl you hāve fílled āll 8 tortíllās ānd hāve snuggled them ālongsíde of one ānother ín the pān. Sprínkle the shredded cheese on top of the rolled-up tortíllās ānd sprínkle the green oníons on top of the cheese. Cover wíth greāsed foíl ānd bāke for 20 mínutes.
  4.  Remove the foíl ānd bāke for ān āddítíonāl 5 to 10 mínutes, untíl the cheese ís hot ānd bubbly. Serve burrítos wíth sour creām, sālsā ānd āvocādo, ās desíred.

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