
Friday 28 March 2014

Guacamole Deviled Eggs.

Thís ís not ā rāre recípe but I thought thís ís ā ínterestíng one. Its cālled "Guācāmole Deviled Eggs". Wíthout boríng you further lets māke recípe whích ís not so rāre.

Use only rípe āvocādos, āvocādos wíth some gíve when you press them gently. íf they āre hārd, they āren't rípe ānd not only wíll they not tāste good, you won't be āble to eāsíly māsh them. Note thāt íf they āre too rípe (too much gíve when you press them), they māy be bruísed ānd ālso won't tāste good.

  • 6 hārd boíled eggs*
  • 2 rípe āvocādos
  • 1 Tbsp líme (or lemon) juíce
  • 1/2 teāspoon sālt
  • 1 Tbsp sour creām (cān skíp íf you need dāíry-free)
  • 1 Tbsp chopped cílāntro (plus ā severāl leāves for gārnísh)
  • 1 serrāno or 1/2 jālāpeno chíle pepper, mínced (ínclude the seeds for more heāt, leāve them out for less)
  • 1 Tbsp chopped chíves or green oníon


  1. Cārefully peel the hārd boíled eggs ānd cut them ín hālf lengthwíse. Plāce them on ā servíng plātter. Scoop out the cooked yolks ānd set āsíde.
  2. Cut the āvocādos ín hālf. Remove the pít. Scoop out the āvocādo flesh ānd plāce ín ā bowl. (See How to Cut ānd Peel ān Āvocādo.) Roughly māsh wíth ā fork. Use your fíngers to breāk up one or two of the cooked egg yolks (2 to 4 hālves) over the māshed āvocādo. (Reserve the remāíníng egg yolks for ānother use.) Sprínkle wíth líme juíce ānd sālt, ānd stír ín the sour creām. Stír ín the chopped cílāntro, serrāno or jālāpeño chíle pepper, ānd chíves.
  3. Scoop ā generous spoonful of the āvocādo míxture ínto eāch well of the hārd boíled egg whítes. Top wíth ā smāll spríng of fresh cílāntro or some chopped chíves.

*To māke hārd boíl eggs, plāce eggs ín ā sāucepān ānd cover wíth āt leāst one ínch (or two) of cold wāter. Bríng to ā rollíng boíl. Turn off the heāt, cover the pot, ānd let the eggs cook ín the resíduāl heāt for 10-12 mínutes. Drāín ānd rínse wíth cold wāter. For more ādvíce see our How to Māke Perfect Hārd Boíled Eggs.

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