
Friday 28 March 2014

Twice Baked Caerphilly Cheese Soufflé.

One of the Rārest ānd Never shāred before recípe. My grāndmother used to māke cālled "Twice Bāked Cāerphilly Cheese Soufflé". Ās the nāme suggests ít ís bāked not just once but twíce. Thís kínd of cookíng ís pretty rāre. Wíthout wāstíng ānymore tíme lets heād to the íngredíents.


  • 150ml double creām.
  • 300ml mílk.
  • 225g Cāerphílly cheese.
  • 6 eggs. (sepārāted)
  • 50g butter.
  • 50g plāín flour.
  • 1 smāll oníon.
  • 3 whole peppercorns.
  • 2 cloves of gārlíc.
  • 1 bāy leāf.
  • 1tsp Englísh mustārd.
  • 6 teāspoons lāverbreād.


  • 60g pārmesān
  • 50ml creām


  1. In ā sāucepān ādd the mílk, creām, oníon, peppercorns, gārlíc ānd bāy leāf ānd bríng to the boíl, turn ít off ānd leāve to one síde to ínfuse.
  2. In ā sepārāte pān melt the butter then ādd the flour ānd whísk untíl well combíned, cook the míxture over ā medíum heāt for 2-3 mínutes whískíng constāntly.
  3. Put the mílk míx through ā síeve ínto ā jug ānd díscārd the oníon etc. Ādd the mílk míxture to the butter míxture ā líttle āt ā tíme whískíng constāntly, once āll the mílk ís whísked ínto the butter míxture ādd the cheese ānd whísk untíl melted then remove from the heāt ānd set to one síde to cool slíghtly, ādd the egg yolks to the míxture once ít hās cooled slíghtly.
  4. In ā sepārāte bowl whísk the egg whítes to soft peāks, ādd ā quārter of the egg whítes to the mílk míxture ānd stír untíl combíned then ādd the rest of the egg whítes ānd fold ín gently.
  5. Butter the ínsíde of 6 rāmekíns ānd ādd the míxture to eāch one leāvíng ā 1cm gāp.
  6. Plāce one smāll teāspoon of lāverbreād ínto the centre of eāch soufflé.
  7. Cook the soufflés āt 160°C for 20 mínutes ín ā bāín-māríe. Once cooked leāve to cool ānd run ā knífe āround the outsíde of eāch soufflé ānd gently tāp them onto ā trāy.
  8. Before bākíng them for the second tíme put some creām ānd pārmesān onto the top of eāch soufflé then cook them āt 180°C for 10-15 mínutes untíl rísen.

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